Library Visit~ Blind Date With a Book~Seed Library

Stopped by the library the other day after my doctor’s appointment. I’ve been sick for so long.

I had to go to the doctor’s three days in a row, for three injections! Ouch. I needed to walk off that last one, so my son took me to the local library, where I found some old friends (books!) to comfort me.

And some books with characters I haven’t met yet. (That I remember, anyway.)

Have you read Daughter of a Daughter of a Queen or Sons of Blackbird Mountain?

I’m a sucker for any book that features sewing, dressmaking, or lace making.

Look at this adorable seed library. What a clever re-purposing of a card catalog!

They had several choices for a blind date with a book.

I picked a blind date with a book for my son, since he was the one who brought me. (Can you guess what book this is?)

He made the comment, “To make you happy, all I have to do is take you where the books are.”

That is accurate!

A stop at the library makes any day a little better.

(This was the book inside the wrapping. Did you guess it?)